One Holiday Down... Now what?

Friday, November 29, 2013

So, how'd you do?  How was your Thanksgiving?  Did you stick to your plan?  How are you feeling today?

So now that we've made it through one holiday, what next?  Would you believe that we are only FOUR weeks out from Christmas???  And only FIVE weeks out from the end of the year?  Gut check time.  Are you where you wanted to be?  Did you make your goals for 2013? 

If I'm being honest, I have to admit that I am NOT where I thought I would be when I made my goals for the year.  That's a hard pill to swallow, especially when I look back at this post and see just how far I *didn't* come.  The good news?  I have definitely made progress since then, but I hate feeling like I am starting over.  It's time for me to make some realistic, attainable goals to reach by the end of the year.  What about you?  Are you reevaluating?  What would you like to see before the end of the year?

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