A Passion for Independent Creative Freedom - My True Reason for Being a Team Beachbody Coach
Monday, January 06, 2014My coach suggested that I really dig deep and find the "why" BEHIND my "why" of being a Team Beachbody Coach. Helping people, using this business, is my passion, but WHY is it my passion? What - specifically - is it that makes me so excited to log into my virtual office every day?
I spent a good bit of time thinking about it, and I realized that essentially, for me it comes down to freedom.
I am free to create. Creativity is a part of myself that I have just recently (over the last two years) identified and realized is truly integral to my very being. Coaching allows me to cultivate that creativity. In actuality, it feeds it and demands it all at the same time. I get to create a better me. I get to help other people create themselves. I get to
create a team of creative, driven people. And together, we have the freedom to create a brand-new

There is also tremendous freedom to create my own standards and tailor them to my own unique goals. I determine what to hold myself to. I am independent. I choose to grow every day. How many careers can promise that? How many careers can give such freedom? How many careers both allow for a wonderfully welcoming, integrated community and the chance to excel on your own, without being mutually exclusive?
But perhaps the most incredible freedom simply lies in the freedom to be me. I am fiercely independent, unmovingly stubborn, determined, passionate, empathetic, understanding, and intelligent - and those qualities all help to drive my business! There is no cookie-cutter coach. We all have our individual strengths and weaknesses, and we are better for it! We can all excel in the freedom to be exactly who and what we are. Again, where and when else can you truly claim that and mean it?
There is tremendous freedom in coaching. And that freedom brings power and meaning to my life. And THAT'S what I love
about coaching. (of course, the paychecks every week don't hurt either!)
If you could be free to do ANYTHING, what would it be? What
would YOU do as a Team Beachbody coach?
Would you like to know more? I'd LOVE to get you into the
elite apprenticeship group that begins next Monday! Come learn the business with the #2 team in all of Beachbody. I can promise you it will change your life!
So beautifully written!!! I am so blessed to have you on our team!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Katy!