So "Vacation" Was Fun, But...
Monday, July 14, 2014Hubby and I celebrated our twelfth anniversary this weekend, and we celebrated by taking a stroll down memory lane. Specifically, we took a trip to Kentucky, to my old college (actually, it's a university now!). Where did we go? Nicholasville, KY - with stops in Wilmore (where my college is located), Natural Bridge State Park, and Lexington. We had a blast!
We hiked 4 miles at Natural Bridge:
And I was able to fit through the narrow opening squarely! My hips fit! Woohoo! I am seriously loving P90X3!
We spent some time at Asbury (I cannot say enough amazing things about this school! If you are looking for a Christian environment with strong academic standards, seriously consider it!):
But you know what else we did? We ATE. And not good food, either. I had decided before we left that I wasn't going to stress about it. I knew when we left that I was going to be in the middle of some really great food as well as some nostalgia for things I couldn't get up here in Pennsylvania. So I made a deal with myself that I wasn't going to feel guilty, and I was going to eat what I wanted this weekend. So I did. And I don't feel guilty.
What I do feel is bloated. And sluggish. And I also learned that I must have been one of the most unhealthy people as a college student (Seriously, Lee's Chicken? Amazing, but holy grease batman!). It tasted great in my mouth, but it didn't leave a great feeling in my body.
My body now runs on good food, good fuel. It has become used to that fuel. And I really do miss the energy and the overall feeling of "wellness" from keeping up with that way of eating.
So today I'm getting back to my normal. I'm getting back on track. And I'm doing that by replacing two meals with shakes instead of my normal one. Because there is no better way - no faster way - to feel like myself than to double up on healthy, natural, whole superfoods.