And just like that, week two is done.
Ok, so maybe not *just* like that... Actually, this week was a bit tough - at least the first half. Why? Because - for the first time in ~2.5 years - I got sick (can I just catch a break, here? Seriously, these last couple weeks are out to kill me!).
Not just sniffle, sniffle sick, either.
We're talking hacking, bronchitis, sinusitis, sleep-anytime-I'm-halfway-horizontal sick. This girl? Not a happy camper. One thing it did show me, though? I have never been more thankful to work with and for such amazing people. I'm not usually someone who gets "taken care of," but I sure felt taken care of this week. So, if any of you from the office is reading this, thank you, truly!
So, week 2....yes, even though I was crazy sick, I did complete week 2. Let's just say that there may have been some double days in there. Now, before you ask, no, I never say that you have to work out when you're sick. There is nothing wrong with postponing a workout or two to recover. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with adjusting a schedule back a few days. I am just having such an amazing time with this schedule that I wanted to get back to it! Course, there's always the fact that I don't take breaks very well, personally...... ;)
Week 2 was very similar to the first week, and I loved every bit of it just as much. Possibly even more. After all, this week was about proving to myself that I could do it, that I wasn't beaten. That, yes, I wasn't weak.
Even though I was sick, I was able to increase my weights (slightly!) on certain Pump Days. And for now? I will choose to focus on that.