Disney Princess Half Marathon

Success Requires Sacrifice - What I Learned From Running the 2017 Disney Princess Half Marathon (Part 3)

Monday, March 20, 2017

2017 Disney Princess Half MarathonHave you ever thought about running a half marathon?  Have you ever considered what you have to do to run one?  Have you ever considered what you have to GIVE UP to run a half marathon?  It really is a lesson in sacrifice...  First, there's the money for registration.  Now, if you're a nut like me and you HAVE to run a Disney race?  Expect your registration fee to be significant.   There's also the money needed for "supplies."  Your next sacrifice comes in the form of your diet.  You have to consider the foods you eat and how they affect performance... And you also have to possibly be willing to sacrifice the idea of losing weight while training (seriously!  look it up! the phenomenon is real!).  But honestly, the biggest sacrifice to be made is time. 

Have you ever looked at a training plan?  It's a serious commitment!  Not only does it take months to build endurance, but individual days require large chunks of time.  

For example, this was the plan I followed (running only):

Success Requires Sacrifice 2017 Disney Princess Half Marathon

As you can see, I only ran three days a week.  (I lifted Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and did yoga on Saturday.)  Still, once I reached the halfway point, my time was drastically limited.  Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays were already spoken for - which meant anything normally done on those days had to be shifted.  And long runs?  My training pace was approximately 12-13:30 per mile...  Multiply that by 8-12 miles, and you're talking about at least a two hour time commitment for my last several long runs.  To top it off, I live in western Pennsylvania, so each of those runs had some hill work.  ;)  Ok, ok, I know what you're thinking.  It's a lot of work and a lot of time.

2017 Disney Princess Half Marathon
But here's the kicker:  those sacrifices?  They made the race so much more than bearable.  They made it incredible!  Success requires sacrifice, yes, but that success is ALWAYS worth it!

It's the same with any goal - any dream - really.  You have to have a plan.  And in order to implement that plan, in order to reach that goal, sacrifices WILL have to be made.  There's no question.  But just like conquering the Disney Princess Half Marathon was worth it for me, ANY sacrifice you make for your dream WILL BE worth it!

It's your choice.  Will you sacrifice for success?  Or will you settle for the alternative?

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