
P90X3 - Week 3 Recap

Friday, April 21, 2017

Soooooo, remember how I said last week was "pre-shark week" and I was miserable?  Well, this week was so so so so much worse.  Nausea, unrelenting pain....ladies, can you empathize?  I still got every one of my workouts in this week, and truly?  I felt better after every one. 

Ladies, this little message is for you: 
You can still make progress even through these crappy weeks. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to show up.
What is it Tony Horton always says? Oh yeah:


And yes, that's exactly what I did because that's all I had to offer.  My weight selection didn't suffer, but my balance sure did!  haha.

A couple good things did come out of this week.  There's one particular workout that was always one of my least favorites the first time around in X3, but somehow....in the last three weeks?  It became fun!  I had a blast this week! 

And then, then there's my arms.  See them up there in that pic?  Yeah, I am a little proud of how those babies look right now.  Must be all the push ups and pull ups from the Challenge.  haha

Week three is done.  Hard to believe, but it's already gone!  And now it's on to my first transition week.

Once the transition week is over, I will have successfully completed block 1!  

I gotta admit, as quickly as the last three weeks has passed (and it has passed quickly!), I'm kind of anxious to see what the next block holds.

See, the first few times I did P90X3, I did the lean schedule.  This time around, though, I decided on the classic schedule for a change and for the strength gains, and I am LOVING it!  I can't wait to see what's next!

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