Spirit-Filled Sunday

Spirit-Filled Sunday - A New Direction

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I was in church this morning, as I usually am on Sundays, and I realized a few things.  I realized that although Jesus has always been front-and-center in my personal life, He has not been in my business.  It's time to change that.  Sure, I have given 10% of all my earnings to my church and 10% to a local ministry to teenage pregnant girls, but I haven't actually run my business with Him at the center.  Like I said, it's time for that to change.

I'm not sure exactly what that looks like, yet, but I do know the first few steps:

  1. I'm going to add one more "themed" day to my blog:  Spirit-Filled Sunday.  Some weeks it will be an in-depth discussion, some weeks simply a verse, some weeks a praise and worship song.  But all weeks it will be wholly and totally devoted to Christ.
  2. This business is going to take some prayer.  Lots and lots of prayer.  So if you feel like it, I'd appreciate any you may spare for me!  
  3. I'm going to need some leadership in my business to walk hand-in-hand with me to shape it into the calling that I know it is.
So what am I looking for?  I am looking for 2-3 people to work alongside me.  These people will be grounded in their faith and will want to change the world with Christ at the center.  These people will be creative and passionate about health and fitness (regardless of where they are in their own journeys) as well as their relationships with Jesus (again, regardless of where they are in their own journeys).

I'm not going to sugar-coat it - it may be difficult.  It's going to be a smaller road, but I do believe it will be a blessed road.  Does that sound like something you'd like to be a part of?  Are you looking for a way to share your faith, to work it in a new and different way?  Then I would love to speak with you.  Please, message me or fill out the form below.  Are you ready to take the world by storm?

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